Garden Design
Why Do I Want A Garden Design?
The What:
Good design should try to stack functions were possible. We focus on garden design that stacks functions for your needs like food, water, play, peace as well as desires like your special interests. While doing this we try to incorporate the species that will build diversity, resilience and ecological health into your space.
The How:
We will consult with you about what your needs and desires are for the space you live in. We will try to get an understanding of what's possible for the space and your budget work within your scope to what we can achieve. We can then do the implementation process of it if time and budget allows, as well as maintenance and ongoing development.
The Why:
We are living in a more and more uncertain time. If we can create certainty of our basic needs being met at home like food, water, shelter and peace while creating a space that you love to spend time in it's a win for everyone. A good garden shouldn't only be beautiful it should be useful in as many ways as possible to you and the environment at large.