Tree Reports Warrnambool & Surrounds
Caring for trees in the planning process
Do I need a tree report?
The When: Depending on the Local Council you live in and the specifics of the tree, you may not ever need a tree report. However, if you are doing a renovation or new build with existing trees on the land, the probability increases. If the council has not specified you require a report but you still want to know how to best accommodate your high value trees, a tree consultation may be your best option.
The Why: We want to make sure we are able to keep existing high value trees protected and viable where possible, while undertaking the building process. Proper measurement and protective methods should be used to maximise the trees chances while letting the build proceed.
The How: We can calculate what the tree needs in terms of a protective zone and try to find solutions to accommodate that zone; or when not possible, implement plans to maximise the trees recovery.
The What: Tree reports are broken into at least two sections - a field data assessment & measurements and the written report.